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Angela Biggs-Morales

Air Force MSG

Angela is a combat medic in the US Air Force.
She was injured in Afghanistan during a complex
attack on August 28, 2011. She suffered 3 severe
brain injuries and needed facial reconstructive surgery to shrapnel wounds from an IED/suicide bomber.

It is with great pride that Angela was the 1st female warrior to receive a dream vacation to Hawaii.

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Joseph Deslauriers

Air Force MSGT

Joseph joined the Air Force in 1998 and trained in Explosive Ordnance Disposal. He deployed around the world including Iraq and 3 tours in Afghanistan. While in Afghanistan, he suffered injuries related to an IED explosion. Both legs and his left forearm were amputated, and he has traumatic brain injury and PTSD. Among his many awards are the Bronze Star and Purple Heart.

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Daniel Fox

Army SGT First Class

Daniel joined the US Army in 2000.
Like so many other servicemen, Daniel's wounds
are invisible. After an incredible 17 deployments in 15 years, Daniel suffered 3 traumatic brain injuries and has severe PTSD. 

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Michael Jernigan

Marine CPL

Michael is a Marine, who while proudly served with Company R 2nd Battalion 2nd Marine regimen in Iraq, was injured in an IED explosion. Michael suffered life threatening and life changing injuries that day. However, he has turned the most traumatic experience of his life into a life filled with new purpose; to help others gain their vision.

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Bobby McCardle

Marine LCpl

In 2007 Bobby was on deployment to Iraq when his humvee drove over an IED, which left the whole right side of his body with many injuries, a couple are kidney damage, and an amputation on his right leg below his knee, as well as TBI. Although Bobby is medically retired from the military now, he volunteers at his church, teaches formation classes, and coaches his daughters softball team. 


Dan Casara

Army SGT

Dan was injured in 2005 in Iraq when the tank he was riding in rolled over an anti-tank mine. He suffered multiple fractures to his legs and many other injuries. The explosion killed 2 of his buddies and injured 4. Dan and his family vacationed in New York City. President Bush painted a picture of Dan in his Portraits of Courage series.


Ralph DeQuebec

Marine Gunnery SGT

Ralph was a US Marine Corps Explosive Ordinance Disposal specialist serving in Afghanistan when his unit triggered an IED. He lost both of his legs above the knees as a result of the blast. Ralph is currently playing for the US Paralympic Sled Ice Hockey team.


Greg Galeazzi

Army CPT

Greg was an US Army Captain, of the 4th Infantry Division. He was injured while on patrol in Afghanistan, on May 26, 2011. He stepped on an IED and lost both of his legs and severely injured his arm. Greg has endured over 50 surgeries in his recovery. He is now in Harvard Medical School to become a Doctor.

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Nick Kruthoff

Army Ranger SSG

Nick did 2 tours in Iraq in 2003, and again in 2005. In 2005 he was severely injured by an IED. The blast his him in the face, making him blind in one eye, and he also has PTSD. For his heroism that day he received the Bronze Star and a Purple Heart. His younger brother, Paul, took his life as a result of his service related PTSD in 2016.


James Merritt

Vietnam Veteran

James was drafted into the Army and served in Vietnam. He came from a rough and poor background, and has faced several challenges in his life. James has PTSD and now serves admirably as a peer counselor at the Denver VA Hospital. 

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Jerry Cortinas

Army Green Beret SSG

Jerry served as a Green Beret in the US Army for 6 years and for 3 years prior was the 25th Infantry Division. He was injured while deployed with his Special Forces group in Afghanistan in December 2002. As a result of an explosion, his left hand was amputated above the wrist and his right arm/hand have minimal function. His face was also severely injured, he suffered a traumatic brain injury to the back of his head and has PTSD.

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Rob Easley

Army SGT

Rob is a Veteran of the US Army.  He was an Ordinance Specialist whose job was to
search for IEDs. In October of 2012, while on a
mission in Afghanistan, he lost both of legs as well as his fingers on one of his hands.  


Josh Hargis

Army Ranger

Josh has served 4 deployments to Afghanistan between January 2011 and October 2013,
in support of Operation Enduring Freedom as part of the 75th Ranger Regiment. During his last
deployment, while pursuing an individual evading capture, an IED that exploded instantaneously amputated both of his legs.


Bryant Lamphier

Marine CPL

Bryant joined the Marine Corps in 2009 where he was a 1371 Combat Engineer with 2nd CEB. 3 months into his deployment to Afghanistan in 2011, his squad was sent on an op to a village. During this op, Bryant and his squad took mass casualties. Bryant received a Purple Heart, and his injuries lead him to be medically retired at the age of 22.

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Mike Nicholson

Marine SGT

Mike was injured in a bomb explosion along an Afghanistan roadway on July 6, 2011. Mike lost his right leg at the hip, his left leg through the knee,
and his left arm below the elbow. He also suffered a traumatic brain jury and PTSD.

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Joe Cosper

Army Paratrooper

Joe has been deployed to Afghanistan and other hot spots during the 82nd Airborne. He suffered several injuries while in the Army, but most severely injured in a training jump in April 2008 at Ft. Bragg, NC. Joe found out the labrum that surrounds the ball joint of both of his hips was shredded. He had surgery in 2012 but has since been re-injured.  He was medically retired in February 2015.


Nick Eufrazio

Lance CPL

Nick suffered devastating wounds while serving in Afghanistan.  He was injured in a grenade attack while atop a roof during combat. He suffered a severe brain injury as a result of the attack and has the top of his skull covered by a titanium plate.  He is currently confined to a wheel chair although he is beginning to learn how to walk.


Alex Hussey

Army Specialist

Alex, who was with the 82nd Airborne, was severely injured in Afghanistan in 2012 while on patrol.
Alex lost both of his legs, fingers on both hands,
and suffered a traumatic brain injury.
Later, he married his high school sweetheart, Kim.

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Ryan Major

Army SGT

In November 2006, Ryan Major’s unit was attached to a Marine unit in Ramadi, Iraq. Ryan was on foot patrol when he was severely injured by an IED.  He suffered multiple internal wounds, burns and injuries to both arms, and became a double amputee. Despite his losses, he is an avid athlete having competed in many different sports during the 2016 and 2017 Invictus and Warrior Games.


Josh Revak

Army Specialist

Josh enlisted in the Army immediately after the attacks on 9/11.  He was a tanker on an M1 Abrams main battle tank with the 1st Armored Division. On his 2nd deployment to Iraq, he was hit by 2 mortars while outside his tank in Ramadi. This resulted in injuries to both of his feet and ankles.


Gregory Robinson

Army SFC

Greg began his service to our nation in 1997. He was severely injured in Afghanistan resulting in the loss of his right leg. Recently, Greg, who is still on active duty, qualifies to stay in the Army by doing a timed 12 mile run and is now stationed in Germany.


Jose Sanchez

Army SGT

Jose served honorably in the US Army and the New York Army National Guard for a total of 33 years. While serving the New York National Guard for 4 months, he helped removed remains from Ground Zero after 9/11. Serving as an Infantryman at 53 years old, Jose suffered a traumatic brain injury in Afghanistan and also suffers from PTSD.

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Visala Tui

Army Staff SGT

Army Staff Sergeant Visala Tui joined the military out of American Samoa in 1996 as a Reservist, and transferred to Active Service a year later. Staff Sergeant Tui proudly served the country for 14 and 1/2 years. He served with HHC, 2nd Battalion, 27th Infantry Regiment (Wolfhounds), 3rd Brigade (Broncos), and the 25th Infantry Division (Tropic Lightning).

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Luis Vargas

Army SPC

Luis is 100% disabled from the war in Iraq and was in Iraq on the third day of our invasion in 2003.

He was with the 4th ID from Ft. Carson.  

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Jordan Wilson

Army SGT

Jordan wanted to join the military since he was a small child and ended up joining the Nebraska National Guard after high school. He went to Basic training at Ft. Knox, KY and completed AIT at Ft. Bliss, TX. Jordan was assigned to the National Guard 168th QM Bn (ps) in Scottsbluff, NE 69361. He loved the training and military so much that he decided to join active duty Army in March of 2003.


Tyler Wilson

Army Airborne CPL

Tyler joined the Army soon after 9/11 and was a Paratrooper with the 173rd Airborne and deployed to Afghanistan. He was shot 4 times, with the first bullet paralyzing him from his mid-back down, and the second bullet nearly ending his life as it ripped through his lung and embedded his liver.


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