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Army Airborne Corporal Tyler Wilson grew up in Durango, CO and joined the Army soon after September 11th.  He was inspired to join the Military after hearing about the passengers on Flight 93.  In July 2003 he was stationed in Vicenza, Italy and became a paratrooper with the 173rd Airborne.  Later in 2005 he was deployed to Afghanistan and was only there two and half months when his life changed forever.  His Company was sent out as a Quick Reaction Force (QRF) to assist one of their Battalion Scout Teams in a battle that would ultimately end his military career. Tyler was shot four times, with the first bullet paralyzing him from his mid-back down and the second nearly ending his life as it ripped through his lung and embedded in his liver. 


Through God’s Grace and the aid of his fellow soldiers he made it through that day and was transferred to Landstuhl, Germany and then Walter Reed for 5 months where he awoke from a coma and started his new life as a paraplegic.  He was then transferred to the Albuquerque VA Spinal Cord Center to continue his rehabilitation.  Tyler left the hospital 17 days shy of his 21st Birthday. 


Tyler furthered his rehabilitation at Denver's VA Hospital.  There he met Crystal Black who was helping other Veterans in their recovery and rehab.  Tyler and Crystal married and longed to start a family.  The Wilsons and other couples lobbied the VA and Congress for financial assistance with in vitro fertilization.  Though unsuccessful there, they were able to raise funds for the procedures and eventually welcomed a son, Matthew.  He is named for SFC Matthew Blaskowski, one of the soldiers who helped Tyler after he was shot--sadly Matthew was killed in Afghanistan in 2007. 


The Wilsons now live in Golden, CO where Tyler is training in hand cycling and racing and Crystal pursues her career in personal training and physical fitness.  In 2017 the family received a vacation to Hawaii and had a fantastic time.  


You can follow the Wilsons on Tyler's blog, Push Me Everyday

Read about the Wilson's Hawaiian Vacation in the Maui News

Tyler Wilson

-Hawaii 2017-

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